2015年7月31日 星期五

C--double pointer cahr**

Dereferencing" a pointer means accessing the value the pointer points to. Assume the following declarations:
int a = 10;
int *p = &a;
Here's a hypothetical memory map of the two variables:
Item      Address      0x00  0x01  0x02  0x03
----      -------      ----  ----  ----  ----
   a      0x80001000   0x00  0x00  0x00  0x0A
   p      0x80001004   0x80  0x00  0x10  0x00
a contains the integer value 10. p contains the address of a (0x80001000). If we want to access the contents of a through p, we dereference p with the indirection operator *. Thus, the expression *p is equivalent to the expression a. If we wrote
 *p = 16;
that's the same as writing
  a = 16;
Here's a short snippet of code showing how to use an object of type char ** to create an array of strings:
#define N      20  // For this example, we will allocate 20 strings
#define LENGTH 10  // of 10 characters each (not counting 0 terminator)
char **arr = malloc(sizeof *arr * N); 
if (arr)
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    arr[i] = malloc(sizeof *arr[i] * (LENGTH + 1)); 
    strcpy(arr[i], "          "); 
Going through it line by line,
char **arr = malloc(sizeof *arr * N); 
allocates a block of N elements, each large enough to store a pointer to char (sizeof *arr == sizeof (char *) since type of *arr == char *), and assigns the resulting pointer value to arr. IOW, arr points to the first pointer to char, hence the type char **. Note that if you separated the declaration and the function call, it would look like
char **arr;
arr = malloc(sizeof *arr * N);
We want to assign the result of malloc to arr, not to what arr points to.
if (arr)
It's possible for malloc to fail, so we want to check the result before using it. In the event malloc fails it will return a NULL pointer value.
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    arr[i] = malloc(sizeof *arr[i] * (LENGTH + 1));
For each character pointer arr[i], we allocate a block of memory large enough for LENGTH+1 elements, each large enough to hold a char value (sizeof *arr[i] == sizeof (char), since type of *arr[i] == char; note that sizeof (char) is always 1) and assign the result to arr[i].
Since we allocate each string with a separate malloc call, it's unlikely that they are contiguous in memory. Here's another memory map showing a possible result of the code above:

Item         Address        0x00  0x01  0x02  0x03
----         -------        ----  ----  ----  ----
 arr         0x80001000     0xA0  0xCC  0x00  0x00  
 arr[0]      0xA0CC0000     0xA0  0xCC  0x20  0x00     
 arr[1]      0xA0CC0004     0xA0  0xCC  0x20  0x40
 arr[2]      0xA0CC0008     0xA0  0xCC  0x21  0x28
 arr[19]     0xA0CC0014     0xA0  0xCC  0x23  0x10
 arr[0][0]   0xA0CC2000     ' '   ' '   ' '   ' '
 arr[0][4]   0xA0CC2004     ' '   ' '   ' '   ' '
 arr[0][8]   0xA0CC2008     ' '   ' '   0x00  0x??
 arr[1][0]   0xA0CC2040     ' '   ' '   ' '   ' '
 arr[1][4]   0xA0CC2044     ' '   ' '   ' '   ' '
 arr[1][8]   0xA0CC2048     ' '   ' '   0x00  0x??


Dereferencing a pointer means accessing the value the pointer points to. For example,
char c = 'c'; // This is a primitive value. You cannot dereference it.
char* p1 = &c; // A pointer to the address of c
char** p2 = &p1; // A pointer to the address of p1
/* Now, the following is true:
*p1 == c, i.e. dereferencing p1 allows us to read from/write to c.
*p2 == p1
**p2 == *(*p2) == *p1 = c - dereferencing p2 twice is c, too */
The reason why you use a pointer to c instead of c directly is that a pointer allows you to access more than 1 value. Take this example:
char[4] str;
char c0 = 'a', c1 = 'b', c3 = 'c', c4 = '\0';
str[0] = c0; str[1] = c1; str[2] = c2; str[3] = c3;
str = "abc"; // Same as the above line
Now suppose we need the second character. We could access it with c1. But as you can see, this notation is really cumbersome. Plus, if we read the string from a file instead of writing it, we'd have to do complicated things. Instead, we just write
str[1] /* or */ *(str+1)
Note that the first element has the index 0, the second 1 - that's why we're using 1 here. A char** turns this up to eleven - we have an array of an array of chars. Suppose we have such an array, let's call it input, and need to find out the length of all the strings in it. This is how we would do it:
int lensum(char **input) {
    int res = 0;
    while (*input) { // This loops as long as the value input points to is not 0.
        char* p = *input; // Make a copy of the value input currently points to
        while (*p != '\0') { // Loop while the copy does not point to a char '\0'
            res += 1; // We found a character
            p++; // Check next character in the next iteration
        input++; // Check next string in the next iteration
    return res;
}             ...

